WATCH The Universe Tuesdays at 9pm/8c only on The History Channel ™® .
From the planets to the stars and out to the edge of the unknown, history and science collide in the new series The Universe. Fifty years have flown by since man first ventured into outer space, but the heavens are only now yielding their greatest secrets. Robotic rovers give us eyes on the red rock of Mars. NASA probes slam into comets at hyper speed. Deep space telescopes capture violent images of the birth of stars and their collapse into black holes. All of these have significantly changed the way we look at ourselves. As our own planet churns with the effects of global warming, it's natural to look into the heavens and wonder about the rest of the real estate. Is there anywhere else out there that that can support life? Or, is there truly no place like home?
Using cutting-edge computer graphics, this series brings the universe down to earth to show what life would be like on other planets, and to imagine what kind of life forms might evolve in alien atmospheres. Each episode will examine how the discoveries were made and the fascinating stories of the scientists and explorers who dared to venture into the uncharted territory of the universe.
Letter From The President
The Astronomical League is the world’s largest organization of amateur astronomers. If you are looking for a local club, this is the place to find one. If you need information about Astronomy Day or star parties, just check our site!
You will notice our National convention, ALCon, will be held in Portland, Oregon August 3rd and 4th. The Rose City Astronomers have a great event lined up for us. Take a look at the list of speakers and the events they have planned. Please join us for an informative and fun convention.
I would like to invite you to look over the Astronomical League’s new web site. As you can see, we are still under construction. Our hope is to make the web site more interactive. We will be adding sections and information as we can. Please look around and let us know what you think!
Welcome to our site,
Terry L. Mann
President Astronomical League
2007 Astronomical League News
The Rose City Astronomers of Portland Oregon is pleased to host the 2007 60th annual Astronomical League Convention and Exposition in Portland, Oregon on August 3rd and 4th, 2007 (ALConExpo 2007). Minutes of the ALCon 2006 Council Meeting are available in MSWord Format or PDF Format. To get an idea of what happens at ALCon have a look at our photo section!
Observing Club News
The Outreach Club gives recognition to those that extend our hobby to the general public. Be sure to check the FAQs page!
April 2007 World Astronomy Day
Would you like to take a look at what Astronomical League members around the world were doing during this April's Astronomy Day? Then take a few moments to check out our new page devoted to our members and their excellence in outreach!
A Message for Our Regional Officers
Want to maintain your own section of the regional information pages on the main website ? Regional officers, read this important announcement.
Changes for Roster Updates
The Astronomical League database maintenance function is now being handled by Mitch Glaze in our League Office. Please contact Mitch at
Astronomical League National Headquarters
9201 Ward Parkway; Suite 100
Kansas City, MO 64114
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