August 31, 2007 - Star Lab Arrives... Comments: Well, sir... The Star Lab Portable Planetarium had been here for awhile, but the old kid hasn't be up to getting everyone together for training. At last the time arrived... It was a terrific night! All of us who wanted training were there on time and it was our great pleasure to meet Reed Varian from Learning Technologies. Friendly House had given us their kind permission to use Sky View Lodge and we were excited and anxious. Talk about a very good time! Reed was an exceptional teacher and understood that most of us older folk learn better when it's hands-on. Within about an hour or so, we all understood how the projector works, how to set up for dates, how to "dim the house lights" and even how to change the bulb. It didn't take very long from there to understand how to get the dome ready to go and once the fan was plugged in? It was full of stars.... "So, children teach your parents well.... Their children's hell... Did slowly go by. And feed them on your dreams. The ones they pick... Are the ones you'll go by. And don't you ever ask them why... If they told you, you would cry. So just look at them and sigh.... And know they love you." |
August 28, 2007 - Total Lunar Eclipse! Comments: It's eclipse day... and what do I do? Yeah. Wake up not feeling so hot. I moped around for a little while until I got a cup of coffee in me and the worst had passed. When I went out to see if the eclipse had started I wanted to run back in and lay down... But, I got to thinkin'... Who owns this body? Am I gonna' let feelin' bad keep me down forever? NO! I'm gonna' get my cam damera and I'm gonna' fill a thermal mug right up to the top and I'm gonna' by golly go out and enjoy that eclipse if it's the last thing I ever do! ![]() ![]() ![]() It's diappearing. ![]() Danjon scale 0, baby... Danjon scale 0. "They seek the truth... Before they can die." |
August 25, 2007 - Saturday Night with the Delta Aquarids and Kappa Cygnids... Comments: Hey. It's too clear to stay in. Despite a very bright and very gibbous Moon, there is an extraordinary clarity tonight and I thought about doing some double star or planetary work. Until I saw the first meteor... What the heck? Ain't in the right place for a Perseid... So I went to my own observing book to look up what's going on. Right now we are between two streams - the Delta Aquarids and the Kappa Cygnids - and that bright little booger no doubt originated from Cygnus. I've still got a lot of healing to do, but I am on the right path. It feels good to wander around in the pool and work on a Moon burn while I stare up at the sky. The night is just as clear as the water and it's not often you can see the faded Milky Way when the Moon is nearly full. All in all, I only saw a handful of meteors for the few hours that I was out... But it made me happy! "And so please help them with your youth..." |
August 23. 2007 - The Moon and Jupiter... Comments: It's been a long time since I've been out observing. Far too long. I dunno'. What? A month has passed and I've missed all the riches of Sagittarius under dark skies while I've cruised along in a morphine haze? Yeah. It was that serious. I'm so tired of hurting. I'm tired of being indoors. I'm tired of not leaving the house because I might not be safe to drive. I'm tired of taking drugs. I'm tired of the pain. I'm tired of the nasty holes in my head and my eye feeling like there's a fork stuck in it. I want my life back!!! My oldest son has been placating me with "From the Earth to the Moon" series on DVD. My youngest son had been away on vacation, but just returned. What I'd really like for him to do is mow my observing area down, spray for skeeters so they don't eat tender healing flesh, and put a doggone scope out there so I can stare at the Moon. All wishes and dreams... He tells me to walk outside and see how I feel. The first steps out the door are wonderful. Fresh air! Night!!! And heat... Rotten humidity that makes me want to pull out what's left of my hair where I'm healing and makes me throb to even think about focusing light into my eye. I can use my right one... Really!! And so I go back inside... Deflated. Defeated. Resigned. Impatient. And stare out the window until they both move on. "And you, of tender years... Can't know the fears... That your elders grew by." |
August 22, 2007 - Antares and the Moon.... Comments: Ooooh! Oooooh! Come on... Come on... Clear up!!! For those of you who follow the weather, you'll know my relative area of Ohio has been a flooded mess. The rains we couldn't get earlier in the year have arrived with a vengance and I've heard tale of folks beginning to think about ark building as a career. Despite the extended period of rain, clouds and humidity high enough to feel like you're living in a sauna, I was sitting by the door watching television when I noticed the Moon trying to peek through the clouds. Of course I looked! I can't help it. I don't care what television program I'm watching, nothing can compete with what I see outside the window. So, here I sit holding my fist up and admiring how close Jupiter is to the Moon when I realize something... Where the heck is Antares? Oh, yeah. That pressed the newly scarred face up against the glass. Back, back, back ye clouds! It's gotta' be there. Oh, man... Oh, man!! If it's not occulted... It's gotta' be close. But not closer than the rain. "So just look at them and sigh..... and know they love you." |
August 9, 10 and 11, 2007 - The Persi-Duds.... Comments: I'm sorry. Being unwell for such an extended period of time has left me beat, behind and battered. My stargazing ways have been mostly reclined and not very energetic. The hearing and vision loss are improving... But not even a hazy eye can explain what happened to the Perseids. Was I looking? You know darn well I was. A comfortable place was mowed for me and blankets and pillows arranged so I could watch the Persied meteor shower here. I would have loved to have gone to the Observatory, but my limits keep me from even wanting to drive and pain dictates staying close to what I know. The skies weren't bad... But the meteor shower totally sucked. There were a few bright ones... Enough to make me happy... But not even close to what this reliable annual shower should of produced. Maybe they're "under the weather", too? "Don't you ever ask them why... If they told you, you will cry... " |
August 1-5, 2007 - Los Angeles, Pomona College, Claremont, California: "Cosmos In The Classroom"... Comments: Well, you know if you haven't heard from me in awhile that something's gone wrong. I wouldn't leave without saying goodbye and I thank you for checking up on me! You were right... I was flat out on a rock like a lizard (scales and all). But, before we get there.. Let's talk about where I've been! ![]() I was in heaven. Sleep? Who in the heck are you kidding? I've tried, ok? But I wanna' watch the world go by at 700 miles an hour. I wanna' see cities nestled like warts on a toad's hide from way up above and watch gigantic lightning storms sweep across the prairie. I wanna' watch rivers curl like silver ribbons below and fly off into the sunset. I wanna' see the third largest city in the world from the air! And dang... I'll tell you that Los Angeles looks like a whole state it's so huge! In what seemed like no time, we were back down and the ground and I found my Dorothy-backside in a whole new world. Everywhere you looked were people and cars and people and buildings and people and big buidlings and traffic and people and cars and freeways and people and stuff... Did I mention it was big? Yeah. And a lot of people. I got my car with no problem and by now I'm beginning to notice I was too excited to eat all day and my belly is telling me that 24 hours is long enough. Hey. The crackers and cookie on the airplane were great... But I'd kinda' like to find a steak, you know? So, I've used Garmin before and I set it for a restaurant... And can't find my way out of the parking lot. I mentioned this place was big, didn't I? And a lot of people. By the time I found my way out, I was thinking more that I better find my hotel first since it was getting pretty late for a stranger in a strange town. Garmin took me right to it... But I had to wait for awhile since LAX is a mighty busy place. Once I got my key I was ready to go... But the key was to the wrong room! Nothing like opening the door up on a total stranger.... The guy at the desk must of had his turban on too tight when he gave me the key... But finally I got my space. Too late for a real meal, I settled for Taco Bell and only wished I had a beer. I called my Ma and she told me all about how to deal with security in a big motel and I could only laugh because I had moved my table and and chairs in front of the door. Not for security... But because they blocked the air conditioner! A little sleep... A hot shower... Turn in the key and tell Garmin where we need to go. What's that, then? Three hours to go 30 miles? You're kidding! It wasn't kidding. I did mention that there were a lot of cars and a lot of people and a lot of freeways and a lot of cars and a lot people, didn't I? Hey. I've got coffee and Garmin is perfect. LA freeways? Come on. I've driven through Columbus at rush hour. Been on my own through Memphis, Raleigh Cleveland, Louisville, Pittsburg, Detroit, Ann Arbor, Buffalo Cincinnati, D.C., Chicago, Dayton and Indianapolis with no Garmin to tell me where to turn. I'm not too sure what this carpool lane business is, but if you're going 85? Brother... I'm going with you. I made the college in a little over an hour and had plenty of time to eat some rubbery fruit, a dried sandwich and the awful coffee at Starbucks. I know exactly where I need to be, where to park, and what time the tour bus leaves for Mt. Wilson. I'm doing great!! So, I'm happily walking around and meeting people, picking up my much more appetizing looking lunch to take with me and waiting on the bus. Once everybody is there, we're off and rolling up them there steep, steep mountains to visit the Observatory. It was quite a lovely drive and not a soul on the bus would have traded places with the driver when we started up the drive to Mt. Wilson. Everything is hairpin turns and I kid you not when I tell you the front of the bus was going around a new turn before the back of the bus made it out of the old one. Sometimes it looked like we were going to go over a 3,000 ft. cliff, and others it looked like we'd kiss the rock wall before we'd get by. It was great fun!! About 60 of us arrived at Mt. Wilson quite safely and impressed with the bus driver's prowness. Two tour guides awaited us and I knew there would be walking and I knew there would be stairs, but hell isn't below, folks... It starts at a mile high on a sunny day. After about a half mile trek uphill, those of us who tend to be a bit more fluffly were happily panting and sweating buckets... Glad to just have stopped. My hair was soaked and I had to keep wiping my forehead to keep the sweat from my eyes. I wanna' see this place! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() And the chant goes up for the 100" scope... ![]() ![]() ![]() Nah. Not a hero. And so it's time to leave. As I start the walk back down a very kind gentleman offers to give me a ride in his truck. Are you kidding? Of course I went. I;d darn near sacrafice one of my colleagues just to be in the air conditioning for a few mintues! He takes me and a couple of others back down and we stop to talk. Well, now. We have an awful lot in common and he offers to take me and two other wiling passengers on to a private observatory. Did I go? Darn right I did. People who never have new experiences are the ones who are afraid to leave the tour bus. You promise me I'm going to end up back where I started and I'll forego that afternoon nap to see and do something new! And off we go... ![]() ![]() The shadows are growing long... And it's time to move on. ![]() ![]() And an hour later it was still hot. No matter... I'm sweltering but damn well going to look my best for the dean's introduction party. Nice white shirt, suitcoat, fluffy dried hair... And within 30 minutes I was drenched again. I'm sorry. People might think this weather is nice, but when we have days in the big O Hi O like this, we hide where it's cool, ok? And nothing here is cool. Don't get me wrong, I had a wonderful time meeting folks, but when I turn down free beer it's for a reason. Thank the stars for Garmin. It lead me to a grocery store where I happily purchased some brew - then sat in the dorm parking lot with the car air conditioner on full blast until I felt better. I picked up a cup of ice at the local burger drive-thru and all I wanted was to strip down, cool off and rest. I got the lappy to connect to the wireless service, answered my email and iced my head down after I pried the window open. The air conitioner wasn't working, but I'm at least comfortable and safe. Up at dawn, I showered again and about cried when I went to brush my hair. No wonder everyone wears a hat around here! My scalp is totally sunburned and so is my forehead. It's been a long, long time since I've blistered and it's just weird because I'm golden brown from swimming. Gosh, maybe the sun burns more out here? No matter, dudes. The world will live with me in a ponytail and t-shirt, because I've got classes to go to! ![]() ![]() Time for a lunch break. I am amped up and chatter happily with my table mates. There sure are a lot of mightly fine people out there and that Florida fellow can put away the chow! Don't blame him. I go back for seconds, too... Cuz' this ain't the mystery meat cafeteria food I was expecting. Mia amigoes sure know how to cook! Muchos gracias por excellemente comidas! After lunch it was time to waddle to the next class. ![]() ![]() Of course, you gotta' study law. ;) ![]() |
![]() Afterwards, I passed Tony outside and he offered me a ride back to the dorm. He told me there wasn't anything to be ashamed of in being older and not as capable of walking as Beef Jerkey Jane in her cargo shorts and hiking boots. Just 'cuz she's 15 years older than me and able to climb Mt. Rushmore without breaking a sweat doesn't mean we can all be that way. And Tony's words really got through, you know? There wasn't any point in torturing myself when I had a car at my disposal and every lecture hall had a parking lot. Just because I don't want one of those little blue wheel chair signs on my windshield, doesn't mean I'm any less of a person for parking by the door, ya' dig? Good advice. Fortunately the air conditioning had finally come on during the day and I wanted nothing more than another shower and some dry clothes before I rubbed elbows with the degrees for dinner. The blisters from the sunburn on my forehead and scalp were pretty nasty, but smelling like soap and water made me feel ever so much better. Again, the food is beyond compare and you just never know who you might be sharing a table with. Me? Ah, lord... I don't talk too awful much about myself (real ladies only speak when spoken to, ya' dig?) but I sure do enjoy the conversation of others and it's really something to be able to hear about all the things they've done and all the things they're going to do. It's great to nod, wave and speak to all people you've met along the way and notice I'm not the only one who decided that wet hair and dry clothes were the fashion statement of the dinner set. Maybe one of these days when I'm somebody really special I'll figure out the secret of how to look cool... But I'm still 15 degree off. ![]() OK! Enough of the social hour. It's time for me to head back to the main hall for tonight's lecture by Kevin Grazer about the Casinni Huygens Mission to Saturn and Titan. Afterwards they announced an observing session at the campus observatory, but I'm not feeling up to it. (eeyeah. something's wrong when i turn down looking through a telescope.) The blisters on my head had gotten very much worse and it was time for Garmin and I to head into the very neat, very clean and very well organized town of Claremont to figure out what was wrong. I went by the Emergency Room... really, I did.... but I chickened out. By now I knew this wasn't sunburn, but I was beginning to wonder if it might be poison ivy or something related to it. I've never had poison ivy, even though I've touched it, pulled it out by hand, and generally ignored it over the years, but who knows? Maybe sumac or oak lurked in all these wonderful trees and flowers I've been so free fondling over the last couple of days. It feels like poison, so I'll treat it as such. Walgreen's to the rescue, ok? Find something clear that topically relieves poison ivy, get some benedryl, some ice and some rest. All will be well, kiddo... And you won't embarrass yourself by going to the hosptial over something stupid. Take another cold shower, pat yourself dry, kinda' freak out because the spots turned black within seconds of putting something on them and just try to get some sleep. I've got a vicious headache, but two major tylenols later, a couple of cold beers that sneaked back with me, and I'm ready to just listen to my tiny TV play M*A*S*H until I go to sleep. Up again at dawn and into the shower. Daggone poison ivy had made it into my eye because it's beginning to swell. Ain't no wonder, woman! You've been wiping your face with a tissue every 30 seconds since you've got here! Take a benedryl, got some coffee and faggheddaboutit. ![]() And it s with a huge, msyterious smile that I know everything is going to be fine and it's time for the morning meeting a plenary lectures. I will be forever sorry to Mr. Impey for his talk on Teaching Astronomy in Electrons and Waves. By the time he began the benedryl was kicking butt and I was not too happy with myself for nodding. Oh, yeah. I got the gist of the lecture but I think it's incredibly rude of me to keep bobbing my head and I do hope if anyone noticed that they'll be both forgiving and understanding. It wasn't about the physics of astronomy... But how teaching in a physcal manner affects how students learn astronomy. And as soon as that door opens for coffee? I'm on it. By now the effects of the benedryl were wearing off and the dose of java did me a whole lot of good. Let's go learn! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() Good luck to ya', sista'. Cuz' one of the people who could have made your little world spin a whole lot easier wouldn't even let you make an affection gesture toward my personal asteroid, ok? I hope you read this. :P So, I went and sat down and soon enough was joined by a lovely table of people with whom conversation flowed very pleasantly and I began to feel a whole lot less uncomfortable about things. Who I am? Hey. I'm always proud of that... Just don't have to be a snoot in a suit. What I look like? Usually I don't care because I'm at least presentable, but if these folks can sit around the table with the one-eyed walking wonder disease and treat me kindly while looking right into my good eye? Hey. These are folks I wanna' know and damn glad I met! ![]() By the next mornig I was brat nasty. Half my forehead and skull were covered in lesions and my eye was toally swollen shut. The tymph nodes on that side of my head were harder than cheap salad croutons and even considering eyeliner wasn't an option. Hell... There wasn't an eye to put it on, ok? I thank whatever powers that be reminded me that sometimes pain finds me when I am far, far from home and I had enough good sense to pack plenty of tylenol 3. It didn't do much to dent it... But it put toleration in there and did bring down the fever. God bless the friends I had made for keeping me laughing... Because you'll never know what good you did me. Now let's learn... First off for the day was the obligatory meeting and plenary lecture. Today's featured Michael Brown and How I Demoted Pluto and Why It Had It Coming. Giggle... You talked it to death? Heheheheheee! Again, forgive me if I begin to nod here and there... it's gotta' be the drugs. When it is time for our last lunch, I go back to my room for the cervesas I did not use to give to mi chicas at the dining hall. Marguerite laughed when I gave them to her and stashed them away. Tiny Rosa came out from the kitchen to ask me where it was, thinking I had forgot, and then cooed like a happy pigeon when she saw the strange collection I had brought. Girl, you've never lived until you've had an ice cold Rolling Rock! Soon enough, lunch had passed and amidst vaya con Dios it was time to go to the last of the classes. ![]() ![]() Needless to say, we exchanged business cards. ;) Now the day is over and everyone is tired. We were to meet for one last session about how to take back what we'd learned, but they decided that was enough. When I first came here I had met the benefactor for my scholarship, Andrew Fraknoi, and he had told me how much he enjoyed my letters. Now, it would have been a whole lot easier not to have waited on a busy man to have a moment and just email him my thanks... But that's not the way I work. I waited quietly in the wings until I saw he had a free moment and approached to give him my personal thanks for such an incredible opportunity. Imagine my suprised when Andrew told me he had been reading up on me and how much he admired everything I'd done! He also told me about a lot of other people who had not only approved, but applauded my astro endeavors and I could have melted right into the floor I was so touched. That hug was very genuine. I don't have words to adequately express my appreciation and I can only hope to serve those who have given me so much. You are a gentleman through and through. ![]() Soon enough, I was on the red eye flight back to Ohio. Comfortingly enough, I shared the row with two young boys who I knew! Now what a coincidence is that? They came from the same town I work in and had seen me at my job. It's nice to sit with grandbabies, because we don't put the arms down and kids don't freak out if you touch, you know? We laughed for awhile and watched Shrek III. Soon enough I had a leg thown over me and the next thing you know we were all sleeping like babies. I woke up when the light changed and right in time for CMH. I bid the kids good luck and off I went to collect my bag and head back for the car. It's deadly hot here and I am awfully sick. I pulled off the freeway just as soon as the doctor opened and only stopped long enough to get someone to drive me there. Diagnosis? Zoster ophtmalus herpes simplex. In other words... Shingles on my optic nerve bundle. The doctor freaked because I didn't go to the emergency room and he also pointed out that I stood a 50/50 chance of losing partial vision in that eye for waiting so long. Hey, dude? I didn't know, ok? All I know was that I was afraid of making a $300 emergency room bill for a case of poison ivy... and the fact the pain is starting to make me crazy. By Monday night I was a basket case. No pain pills could touch it and I spent a whole lot of time rocking and crying. I don't remember a whole lot about those first few days except it got so bad they took me back and I started morphine and two other nerve pain blockers to keep me from standing in front of a train. I slept as much as I could... And when I wasn't sleeping I was punching things when the pain got bad... And rocking and crying. Now, I don't tell you this because I want or need sympathy. I tell you because someday someone you may know might get this... So be understanding. The opthmalic/otic nerve bundle controls half you head. Imagine every nerve feeling every sensation it ws capable of. At worst, I would have the worst sunburn I've ever had, pinkeye, sinus infection, swimmer's ear and an impacted wisdom tooth with a mirgraine headache. Then somone would run a blowtorch over my head while they pulled my hair out by the roots. At best, (when all the drugs kicked in at once) I feel like I'm wearing a horror mask filled with hornets and my ear never stops playing F#. It's about 10 days later now, and the worst is behind. My eye is open again and except for a fuzzy spot seems to be doing well. I have craters in my head where the lesions were and still have some moments of awful burning... But one hell of a lot better. You can see now why my reports went so far behind and email bounced. For while I couldn't be around people because I might infect them with chicken pox... Now I can't be around people because they might infect me while I'm still down. But, hey... I'm a stong kid. What caused it? They really don't know. I guess the chicken pox virus lays dormant in the ganglion all your life. Sometimes stress makes it surface and you get a body breakout... Sometimes people like me take a lot of immuno-suppressant drugs to control other medical problems and that just invites them to dinner, so to speak. Most of it is a bad memory now, though... And I thank all of you who were so kind and supportive during my recovery. Even if I knew how "Cosmos in the Classroom" was going to end - it would have done it anyway. I had the warning signs long before I left, but I was too ignorant and stubborn to pay them any mind. (i'm sick of being sick, you know?) There's not a thing in the world I could have done to have stopped it, and I would have regretted all my life that I didn't open the door for the opportunity that knocked. Now? Now I'm ready for the last of it to be gone. It's time to train on the Star Lab planetarium and get together a teacher's seminar. I've got a book to finish up, star parties to attend, and lots and lots of classes waiting on me to get better. Tempis fugit, baby... Carpe diem. "You... Who are on the road... Must have a code... That you can live by. And so... Become yourself. Because the past... Is just a good bye. |